The Sisters

The Sisters

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Libbi: A Vida Boa - The "Good" Life

This week was another week of missionary work! (surprise!) No it was a week of highs and lows as is every week on the mission..I think I´m new at this. First of all I have been really bad about birthdays and greetings and such. I will give a few shout outs. Aunt Marilee thanks so much for you notes..I received yours and kimmi´s the first week and they were very welcome after a long week of adjustments. Also I received your latest this last week- we had an elder renew his visa in Cuiaba and so I was able to get some mail. Mom I also got your epic family letter...thanks it was great to hear in so much detail all that is going on with you!
Birthdays this month! I´m sorry I know July is pretty much over but happy anniversary Joe and Brittney on the 10th and happy birthday Ainsley on the 11. Mom and Dad happy anniversary on the 14th and Ben and uncle mike Happy birthday on the 16th. Amy HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!! I hope it is a great one! And Aunt Marge happy birthday tomorrow. I think that is it for now. But I would love to hear more about how everyone is doing. It is crazy that summer there is almost time flies when your having fun. This week we have been trying to establish ourselves in this new area. We have been trying to meet people and find others we can share messages with. We had 5 people at church yesterday which was really exciting and my language is getting better (I think) I am understanding more and more but it is a constant battle. I know I am receiving a lot of help from the Lord and thank you for your prayers. Last week on p-day we went on the onibus (a bus) (that was quite the experience) to the Central of the city Campo Grande. We ate at McDonald's- hahaha it is really expensive here...and everything is much smaller (in general not just at McDonald's) But we had a fun experience going downtown and returned standing body up against body on the onibus...It was very intimate...then we went to work. We have a few people we are teaching that are very interested and we are hopeful that Bruna and Peterson will feel the need to get married. Also Cesar and Aldimira. We are also teaching Saulo and Oswaldo. The work continues. We are still trying to find more people that are interested in our message here. Many are not. But I´m hopeful that as we work the Lord will provide. We tried a new approach last night...we tried playing and singing hymns at the park near our house. It was kind of a fail....Most of the people there were not interested and a blond American with a violin was all they really saw. But we will continue to work and find people to teach.You never know...
I think that is about it for this week. I continue to learn and be humbled everyday. I am a stone in the river and I have many many many rough edges. I hope one day to be made smooth. Luckily this life is a progression and as long as we are striving to be better everyday the Lord will bless us. Whenever I´m discouraged I remember that if I have faith I should never feel sadness. When I´m discouraged it is a lack of faith. Remember faith gives us hope and when we have hope we are happy and excited for all that we have and will have in the future. I love you all! Continue to do what is right and stay close to the Lord! I love and pray for you all daily and wish you all the best in your many activities.
Sister Libbi Sorensen

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