The Sisters

The Sisters

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Joining the Air Force???

Ok, here goes nothing.
This week............hhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm well oooo this is cool: Last p-day we have a mega star in our ward. He is apparently a really huge deal in the Airforce. He was a pilot and really really good at what he did. Well he now trains the pilots here on base and EVERYONE knows "the Danny Williams" Well Brother Williams called and asked if we wanted to go into the flight simulators. (essentially a giant simulator where they train the pilots. Its a round room where they have 5 projectors which are fed through satellite images. You have the body of the plane inside so its like you are climbing into the real deal.) Each simulator costs about 4 million dollars so there was no pressure.....ooohhh wait.....TONS OF PRESSURE! I was so thrilled i was in a skirt as well because the little joystick belongs right in between your legs so i had a real fun time trying to steer. But it was an absolutely incredible experience. I would love to fly planes except i crashed the plane and all I hear brother Williams say is "oh, we're dying." hahaha Brother Williams is quite the incredible man. He has 8 of his own children and 10 other adopted children. He and his wife just keep raising kids. They are awesome. I feel like i may have told you that before. I'm kind of like that dog on Lady and the Tramp. "Don't recollect I've ever mentioned old reliable before"
Entoneses, CONGRATULATIONS TO SAM AND JESS ON THEIR BABY!!  yaaahooo more people in the fam! Sounds like a big kid. Way to be Jess.  Happy birthday to mi torta (sandwich) Brad this week! I love you Brad. I miss you and your little crabby patty brother David. Give him a hug from me please (a wiggly one). I miss the wiggly worm hugs. I tried to give my comp one here and she about punched me in the face. Oh well. We move on. 
Around conference we got a call from a man who wanted to get back into the church. He has reactivated marvelously and to our lucky surprise, just had his brother come and move in with him. When his brother was little, his records were lost so guess what.......WE MAY BE GETTING A BAPTISM IN THE MONTH OF MAY! Hahaha its not really a convert situation but kind of. He smokes and drinks and all that but has been "a member his whole life" but we'll take it. 
There is a huge crew of security salesmen down here from my dear state of UTAH. Don't worry. they are doing a better job of missionary work than we are. One of them has become our friend and we get LITERALLY ALL  of our member referrals from him. He is waiting for his call. he is going to be a great missionary. He gave away a book of Mormon this past week which is awesome. Too bad he's not here to stay. We've decided (and the sales kid too) that we look like Jehovah's witnesses and that's why people hate us. The Jehovah's witnesses here are very strong. They are strong everywhere but they yell at people here so that must be why people run.  
I got some very sad news this week that my companion from the MTC, sister Gneiting went home from her seems like life is just trying to get me anywhere it can. I am very sad about that but there is nothing i can do. Hope and pray and move on. 
Well thank you for loving me. I pray for my family and friends every day and night. Gracias a Dios por ustedes. 
Hna. Sorensen   

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